Edenmore Nursing Home has brewed up a fresh idea to help their residents (who they refer to as family members) keep enjoying one of life’s simple pleasures – a coffee bar right in their home!

Thoughtfully named Coombe Coffee – a nod to the seaside town of Ilfracombe in North Devon, where the home is located – the coffee bar is the latest way Edenmore is fostering a continuation of life for those who live in the care home.

When the town centre’s Costa Coffee closed its doors, the team saw an opportunity. They wanted to make sure family members didn’t miss out on their beloved coffee moments, so they went all in—investing in a safe and easy-to-use machine that encourages independence, offers choice and engagement by enabling those to make and decorate their own coffees, just as they would at home.

Registered Manager Gayle Cooper shares “we regularly went into Ilfracombe for a coffee and were sad when Costa closed, so we decided to bring that experience here! While we still regularly visit other cafes in town, having our own coffee bar means we can enjoy that experience anytime we like, in our own home. Supported by the care team, who guide residents through the different coffee options, syrups and fun decorations like chocolate dusting, residents are encouraged to make independent choices—though lattes seem to be the favourite!”

Easily accessible to all in the main hallway of the home, Combe Coffee has become more than just a coffee bar; it’s a hub of daily social interactions for family members, their families and the team, further echoing the home’s vision of recognising the values, beliefs, and identity of each person who calls Edenmore Nursing Home their home.

To find out more about how Edenmore supports the continuation of life through activities, please visit: https://www.edenmorenursinghome.com/activities-in-care/